The Value of Blog Commenting
The Value of Blog Commenting
A blog is a wonderful tool to express yourself. It can be used to pursue your professional goals as well as your personal interests. But blogging makes no sense if there is no participation.
You need to work it out both ways:
Invite participation on your blog
A blog is a wonderful tool to express yourself. It can be used to pursue your professional goals as well as your personal interests. But blogging makes no sense if there is no participation.
You need to work it out both ways:
- Make efforts to invite participation on your blog
- Interact with people posting comments on your blog
- Regularly comment on other blogs
Invite participation on your blog
- Keep it simple Commenting on a blog sounds simple. You just need to fill out your comment, leave your name, and hit the submit button. Sounds easy. But it is not always the case. Many a time, your reader may want to comment on your blog but is unable to do because of the complications in the system. It is crucial to keep your 'post a comment' section user friendly. Many new readers are not aware of this interactive aspect of blogging. Try to use a easy and convenient layout for your comments section.
- Ask questions Always ask questions and leave untouched some portions of your topic. If you cover everything, others may not have anything to comment. Ask questions and leave some open ended so that readers are tempted to comment.
- Cut the registration part Sometimes though the readers want to comment, they are discouraged by the 'register first' condition. Avoid this altogether from your blog and keep the process absolutely simple with no condition of registering first.
- Be active on your comments section Interact with people who leave comments on your blog. It will show readers that their comments are valued and your comments section will look active. You can also acknowledge good comments by including a 'good comment' remark.
- Leave a gap Never complete your post. Leave certain things unanswered which will tempt others to comment on your post.
- Comment sensibly Sensible commenting on popular blogs can get you many visitors. While posting remarks you can also post your website link. Some posts have a high page rank and this will help your web link also get viewed by many.
- Become a subject expert If you start commenting on certain subjects regularly, readers may start taking you as a subject expert. Regularly appearing on sites can add to your credibility and people may start visiting your site more.
Be active on other blogs
The value of comments
Commenting on some popular blogs and getting people to comment on your blog can add great value to you personally as well as professionally. But before you try to get into this, please don't forget that blog posting is not writing one liners in the comments. Your comment should add value to the post.
Not everyone's cup of tea
Now that we have learnt the value that blog comments can add to our business, how about just plunging into it? But it is not possible for everyone to do this. You also may not have the time or resources to do this important work.
The best solution would be to outsource this work. There are many online service providers who can write excellent, error-proof blog comments on your behalf. You can get it done by these professionals. There are many excellent writers especially trained to write such comments. You can just post your task and get the work done in your time and your budget. The best part is that you pay only if you approve the task. This is a great opportunity for many skilled freelance writers too. They can also pick up tasks online and work at their convenience and their time.
One such service is ShortTask.com. ShortTask connects online job seekers with providers. ShortTask is based on the idea that there are still many online jobs that cannot be fully replaced by technology and require human input. ShortTask has subdivided its working into two categories -- solvers and seekers. Seekers are companies or individuals who need various tasks accomplished without hiring in-house staff, while solvers are workers who can complete these jobs virtually and get paid. The online service allows workers to select tasks of their choosing and get paid in dollars. It also provides individuals and businesses with access to millions of on-demand, skilled virtual workforce. In today's era of online business, we get our tasks completed with the help of a computer program. At ShortTask, it is exactly the opposite. The computer program creates the tasks which require human intelligence. It is an interesting service where solvers can earn money by completing various tasks which require the human touch.